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Episode #12: Creating a Global Community With Andrew Mangan

Writer: JHJH

I’ve had Andrew Mangan’s distinctive voice in my ears for years.

As an Arsenal Football Club supporter, his podcasts and blog posts via the Arseblog have become a big part of my fandom, my experience of the club, and, ultimately, my life.

How strange it was to hear that voice addressing me personally.

The Arseblog is an amazing example of what can happen when you put yourself out there. Andrew launched it in 2002 as a way to practice his web design skills. What he didn’t expect was that his daily blog would attract a dedicated following of passionate Arsenal fans (and fans of other clubs who are passionately against Arsenal).

What began as a simple blog grew into something much more than that. As Andrew worked away at it, posting on the blog day in and day out, his audience grew to the point where advertisers became interested. Suddenly the prospects for the site became very different. There were twists and turns and many highs and lows, but Arseblog and its associated sites and podcasts eventually became Andrew’s job.

Over the years Andrew has been very diligent about protecting his content’s integrity and value, staying away from “clickbait” stories that might generate more short-term readers and focusing on responsible, valuable journalism. His podcasts are extremely professional (and usually very funny), and he presents all things Arsenal with a fan’s passion and a journalist’s balance.

Frankly, I love his stuff and his story.

Andrew grew up wanting to be a radio announcer. Who could have predicted back in the eighties that he would eventually have that kind of platform on his own channel, broadcasting via podcast to an audience that is larger than he ever dreamed he could reach?

And if he can do it, why can’t we?

You don’t have to be an Arsenal fan or even a sports fan to appreciate this episode. It’s all about following those nudges – those passions – and seeing where they lead. As Andrew says in our conversation, no matter what you feel compelled to try, go out there and do it. The possibilities are endless.

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