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Good question. I was going to call this the "One Month Blog," because it was built to host a tour blog I wrote while I was in Europe in November of 2017 with the great Sarah Smith.


The blog was initially me trying on a dream. It was an opportunity to tour that part of the world as a musician and write only what I chose to write. That's my dream life, so I built this site to have and share the full experience. 


Much has happened since I hit "publish" for the first time. The original tour blog was turned into a book. I wrote a second tour blog when we returned to Europe in the fall of 2018 (and a third in 2019). I also started blogging about spirituality and personal development, which led to creating the John Huff Podcast.


My message all along has been that good things happen when you put yourself out there. Everything on this site is the evidence of how much can come from one simple act of courage - in my case, the decision several years ago to jump seriously into music. I had no idea then just how dramatically that small step would change my life. 


Having said all that, there may not be a lot of drum talk on here. You can learn a lot more about drumming from many other people than you can from me, but music was the initial platform for this experiment, so drums will be part of the conversation.


Now, you may encounter my playing and think, "I'm ten times the drummer this guy is, WTF?" Truth is you're probably right, and the possibilities should thrill you.


But if you struggle with self-doubt and fear and feelings of inadequacy, and these things hold you back from whatever dream you may have, you might be relieved to know you're one of many.


The possibilities should thrill you too.


© Copyright John Huff 2017-2024

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